Start your SAM Registration or Renewal today and join 400,000 other businesses across the country earning federal contracts, grants, and other benefits from the government’s System for Award Management.
Our specialists make getting your SAM Registration set up or renewed easy, and are always standing by and ready to answer any questions or help you through the processes.
System for Award Management (SAM) is a government-wide database for vendors looking to bid on government contracts or receive federal funding. The registration process involves completing required solicitation clauses and certifications, and providing information about your business. This helps to determine whether you are a good fit for a specific contract or funding and vice versa. Once you complete your registration the first time, it will need to be renewed annually.
In addition to simply being a prerequisite for bidding on federal contracts, the SAM database can also be used as a marketing tool. This is because your company’s information is used by government agencies and contractors to search the registry. In addition to basic data like the size, location, and financial details of your business, SAM also displays whether firms have supplementary certifications from the 8(a) Development and HUBZone Programs. This gives you great opportunities to stand out in these searches and advertise your strengths.
In 2022 alone, the federal government allocated $636 billion of its discretionary budget toward contract spending for goods and services. While a large portion of that money was through the Department of Defense, the rest was allocated through the Departments of Health & Human Services, Energy, Justice, and many more. This means that you don’t have to be in the construction or defense industries to find and win major contracts or funding for your business.
However, in order to be eligible, you’ll need to complete your SAM Registration first. It is what stands between your company and potential contracts and financing from the federal government, which is why it’s so important for many businesses across the country.
Because there’s currently a lack of organizations that have registered for these federally-provided benefits, a large portion of government set-asides simply go unclaimed every year. Meaning in many cases, SAM Registration will provide a business with guaranteed access to federal funding.
To be a federal contractor, you have to register with SAM and be in their database. This allows you to apply for or bid on contracts or federal funding opportunities, but also can be a way that agencies or other contractees discover your business, if marketed and presented well.
From the date that you submit it for processing (not the date it is activated), your SAM registration will remain active for 365 days. This means that you will have to renew at least annually, but will also need to update your registration immediately upon any company details changing (such as your address).
The entire SAM registration application/submittal process can often take individuals 10-20 hours if you choose to do it on your own. However, this number doesn’t include the hours usually needed to research and understand SAM’s process and required documentation. Once submitted, a new registration can take up to 2 weeks to become active, while renewed registrations typically only take 24-48 hours to update.
In addition to basic information about your business such as name, address, contacts, financial records, etc., you’ll also need to complete or register for:
Unfortunately, the federal registration process is lengthy and SAM filing has strict requirements and a long list of details and processes that need to be provided and completed. This includes a CAGE Code, revenue and financial information, certifications, NAICS and SIC Codes, a Marketing Partner ID, and more. The process often takes weeks and deters many businesses from taking advantage of the valuable government-supplied opportunities available to them due to the complexity and length of simply registering.
FAMR is an independent consulting firm that specializes in registering businesses with the federal government and making sure they get access to the opportunities they deserve. Our federal registration experts are versed in each aspect of the SAM registration process and beyond to help new organizations begin or renew their own every day.
By working with FAMR, you’ll have an experienced team in your corner that:
1. Takes care of the pieces that go into SAM Registration, such as CAGE Code Registration.
2. Complete your SAM Registration quickly so you don’t have to stress about it.
3. Provide ongoing support and help with SAM renewals, additional certifications, marketing services such as Capability Statement writing, and much more.
Let us guide your registration process to not only make sure your company completes its SAM Registration as quickly as possible, but also guarantee it receives every certification it qualifies for to win exclusive federal contracts and grants.
5310 Cypress Center Drive
Tampa, FL 33609
© 2025 FAMR
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