FAMR optimizes how your business markets itself to the federal government, so you win lucrative federal contract opportunities
The Small Business Administration maintains the Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS) database system. As a small business registers in the System for Award Management (SAM), there is an opportunity to fill out a small business profile. The information provided populates the DSBS system. DSBS is yet another tool contracting officers utilize to identify potential small business contractors for upcoming projects. Learn more about DSBS registration here.
Federal contracting officers can only conduct business with businesses that they are aware of. Proper marketing is required to ensure that your business is visible to these contracting officers, and the DSBS system is an excellent step in expanding this visibility so you can compete for (and win) more contracts. Additionally, small business operators can utilize the DSBS to garner insight into their competition.
To register in the DSBS, businesses must first complete their SAM registration and qualify as a small business under the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) size standards. Upon completion of SAM registration, a link to the page where businesses may enter their firm’s detailed marketing information will be available. When this information about the firm is entered, it will then be ported into the SBA Dynamic Small Business Search.
A DSBS registration does not need to be renewed but can be updated through the SBA supplemental page. It is best practice to ensure this marketing information is up to date when SAM renewals are completed. This is where a dedicated specialist is so valuable because they can make updates as your business grows and evolves.
Unfortunately, many businesses are discouraged by the tedious federal registration process and rigorous requirements for registering their business within the DSBS search tool. This means that even though they qualify for these opportunities and benefits, they don’t get to take advantage of them.
FAMR is an independent consulting firm that specializes in registering businesses with the federal government and making sure they get access to the opportunities they deserve. Our team of experts is experienced in optimizing DSBS registration and other federal registrations and certifications to help new organizations start getting contracts and funding today.
Let us guide your dynamic small business serach registration process to not only make sure your company gets set up on DSBS quickly but also guarantee that it’s certified for any other relevant programs and exclusive federal benefits.
FAMR verifies DSBS entries for optimal marketing purposes to entice federal contracting officers.
FAMR works with you throughout the duration of our engagement to consistently make sure your business is set up to win federal contracts.
Save money by reducing lost time painstakingly registering for SAM and DSBS, and increase your business’s top-line revenue by winning federal contracts.
The SBA’s Dynamic Small Business Search is a free portal sponsored by the Small Business Administration, used for entering and searching small business sources that want to do business with the federal government.
An essential aspect of marketing your business to the federal government, the DSBS profile is a detailed look at your business that contracting officers use to make decisions about who to work with.
Open your DSBS profile page via https://connect.sba.gov/, and click the “Sign in with login.gov” button under “External Users.” Once signed in, you can update your profile details, such as contact information.
If your business is registered with SAM, be sure to look into the SBA’s supplemental page to see if your business has filled out its DSBS profile.
This will vary from contract to contract, but factors like previous experience with similar projects or specific value added to a contract will always be critical in decision-making.
A well-written DSBS profile will set you apart from your competition by providing the right criteria, so Procurement Officers will find you whenever they begin their search for available vendors.
A capability narrative lives in the DSBS and is a single paragraph for your business to put its best foot forward — which is why it’s crucial for it to be completed properly. The Capability Statement, a product FAMR offers, is a single-page business resume for federal contracting, which SBA only recently enabled users to link on their DSBS profile.
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